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What is the price of GMX?

To view the price of GMX in the currency of your choice, select a base currency at the top of the page. What is the current market capitalization of __GMX? GMX __GMX currently has a market cap of $661,431,841. What is the all-time high (ATH) for GMX? __GMX reached its all-time high price of $85.97 on 03/18/2023, 1 days ago.

What is the trading volume of GMX (GMX)?

The trading volume of GMX (GMX) is $37,030,871.55 in the last 24 hours, representing a -6.70% decrease from one day ago and signalling a recent fall in market activity. What is the all-time high for GMX (GMX)? The highest price paid for GMX (GMX) is $91.07, which was recorded on Apr 18, 2023 (7 months).

Is GMX (GMX) outperforming the global cryptocurrency market?

With a price increase of 9.20% in the last 7 days, GMX (GMX) is outperforming the global cryptocurrency market which is up 6.00%, while outperforming when compared to similar Avalanche Ecosystem cryptocurrencies which are up 5.80%. What is the market sentiment of GMX today?

What is the circulating supply of GMX?

The current circulating supply for GMX is 7,992,460 __GMX. What is GMX's maximum supply? The maximum supply for GMX is 13,250,000. The total number of __GMX can never surpass this amount. What is the fully diluted market cap of GMX?

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